About Us

Mackenzie, known affectionately by some as “Gramdalf the Grey,” “Queen Macrumbsie,” and a slew of other questionable aliases, has been having strange dreams since toddler-hood. These peculiar nightly visions are informed by a lifelong love of magic, hobbits, imaginary friends, and grandmothers.

When not dreaming, Mackenzie can usually be found writing fantasy stories, reading poetry, or building lightsabers out of plumbing parts.

Jenny is the imaginary inventor of the iVino 2.0 wine IV (patent-pending), proud plant mom to a 9-foot ficus, and future wife of AI bot scriptwriter Keaton Patti (hmu, Keaton).

Haunted-slash-inspired by dreams since she was a wee little lass, Jenny became fascinated by dream interpretation during a class she took in college. According to Jenny, the duality of dreams that often requires looking literally and fantastically at each theme is what keeps her going from pillow to paper.

Poetry-loving grandmas in advertising tend to have a gravitational pull for one another, so it was inevitable that Mackenzie and Jenny would start sharing their cuckoo dreams with each other. What started as colorful conversation over happy hour drinks progressed to a morning ritual, and now, the inspiration for Two Girls, Oneiron.