It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? But after a couple passes through the wet and wild Slip & DreamSlide, I’ve decided it’s time to put my nose to the grindstone once again.
Without further adieu, let’s split this old melon of mine once again.
A Good Michaelob is Hard to Find
(I can’t remember if I’ve already used that header, but I’m rolling with it anyway.)
As you mentioned–or good old Tony “The Tiger” Crisp posited–sometimes the mere possibility that someone could disappear is enough to send you into a [striped] tailspin, especially when that someone is so near and dear.
Mr. Michaelob and I have been together long enough that I know he’ll always be close by (*cue The National’s “I Am Easy to Find”*). That being said, what the heck are dreams like this about?
My Brain Hath Been Battered, Scattered
That could almost be a Rolling Stones song, couldn’t it? To answer your question, I’m only creatively scattered in real life, and definitely feeling some anxiety because of it. And to piggyback off my previous question, I think that relates to losing my lawfully wedded ninja turtle.
It’s not very often that I feel out-to-sea anxious, but when I’m in the midst of prolonged anxiety, I do tend to feel adrift in that nautical way. Like any piece of shark-bait, when this happens, what I want is a life preserver.
I suppose said ninja turtle would be that life preserver, right? He can’t fix my problems, but he can keep me afloat long enough that I can solve them myself.
An Educational Shopping Trip
Hey, that whole lost at sea thing matches up with the cruise ship portion of this dream! Funny how that happens. You so tricky, subconscious.
But what about these other locales?
I LOVE your “before times” idea, connecting mine and Michael’s time in college together to the university setting in this dream. I look back on those days fondly as being somewhat carefree. I mean, we used to be able to stay up past 9 p.m. on weeknights. Carefree indeed.
Next, while “shopping for a new husband” tickles me pink, I’m wondering if there’s even more to this frantic mall excursion.
Back when we were kiddos in the ’90s, shopping malls were the place to be, both for shopping and just for hanging out. But we were also kiddos during the time when Stranger Danger was riding high and malls were to predators and kidnappers what spinach was to Popeye.
I think it’s entirely possible that this lingering childhood anxiety mish-mashed with my prevalent adult anxiety to inspire fears of the TMNT having been abducted…
Cut My Life Into Pieces, This is My Last Poptart
I can’t ruminate over the shopping mall without also ruminating over that butterfly knife. Does it represent transformation, as you mentioned? Is it about cutting something or someone out of my life?
Jennybean, I do think there’s something I’m hiding from in waking life, as you wondered. No, it’s not creepy strangers in the shopping mall of my youth. I think it is, quite simply, the anxiety that has plagued me throughout this dream so far.
I think I need to channel the cunning and tricksy butterfly: stealing Turtle Tears for Fears, using them to my own advantage.
Spiral Staircase Going Down
This one has sounded a bit like a bummerino so far, hasn’t it? Just a lot of me being anxious and needing to rely on someone else to anchor me?
However, since you know me quite well (I mean we only have the same brain and somehow the same Lithuanian nose), you’ve probably guessed that I’ll come out of this on the independent side of things.
Flashlights! Spiral staircases! Beefcastles in tactical gear! In the end, they’re no match for my own sense of stubborn indignation.
I think it’s time for me to take a ride on a Mental Health Cargo Van of my own making and kiss this anxiety butterfly knife goodbye. I’ll be sure to pick up my Ninja Turtle along the way.
Thank you for splitting that melon like a pretty Gallagher.
All my smuckers,
Mack Ketchum, Pokemenace Trainer Extraordinaire
P.S. If you rated this dream an 11/10 on the Newtmare Scale of Perkycutlass Estimation, then I must rank your analysis…
20/10 on the Drim-Cracker Barrel Biscuit of Writertrout Satisfaction.
An official TVeto has been filed to make you stop watching the boob tube before bed (I wrote it myself while wine was injected directly into my bloodstream via my IVino 2.0, patent-still-pending 2018*). It is a Thursdaddy night as I’m writing this, and just to get into the spirit with yew, I’m having myself a glass of adult grape juice.
Cheers, my cherub
I found this dream downright terriflying! Between losing your beau, fending off this mosquito of a dude who comes back with a KNIFE, to ya know getting kidnapped, this one’s an 11 out of 10 on the Newtmare Scale of Perkycutlass Estimation.
Having read a few of the same books you have (shout-out Inbound Book Club *raises foam finger*), I’m getting a real Handmaid’s Tale vibe from this dream sequence. So, I thought it wise to frame it around that context, the book still fairly fresh in my Jenninoggin. Shall we?
You Lose Michaelob
Just like Offred loses her SO in HT.
You said this has happened a lot in your dreams, and according to Tony “the Tiger” Crisp, it’s a pretty common dream for married women to have. You love Michaelwave and the fact that he *could* disappear is just an anxiety that comes to be when you have a deep connection and caring for someone.
Trading Places
I wanted to take a sec to nod on over to this whole “3 places at once” shenanigan. Do you feel scattered in waking life? (I sure as hell do, so), I thought thinking on that could mean something in itself.
In Handmaid’s the main character’s sense of place is a big deal. She:
Remembers her home that she’ll never see again
Analyzes every square inch of her new “room” that she
refuses to call her own at the beginning of the book
Goes to the market and feels the Eyes following her
The eclipsed version of your dream telescopes down to some pretty distinct places and I wanted to break them down:
Vacation Station
At port, everything starts out feeling very “the before times” if we’re relating back to HT. But still, there’s the sensation that you guys are going to part ways. Your cruise slaycations encompass some really great memories that you and Michaelphone have had together, and your nightmare knows this is the rawest of raw places to pluck him from your side.
University of I Can’t Find My Husband
Being back at an institution of higher learning represents your individual potential, or personal advancement. It might also link to something important you’re learning; something important you have to offer.
Tony the Tiger. He’s GRRRRREAT.
Maybe since you and Mickelback were together in college, your subconscious took the whole “looking for Michaelob” thing literally and tried to search back for him in a Calvin Coolidge memory. Joke’s on you, subconscious, he’s missing remember? Not sure if this is right, but it might be something to ponder, especially since the looking for MW thread prevails.
Putting the Lab in Labyrinth
According to my expert googling skills, seeing a white room in a dream can mean a lot of things. What struck me particularly was white rooms as an indicator for life situations where you’re confronting a lot of negativity. Like this one, lol? I know you said it felt clinical or sterile, cold, joyless even. Which probably reflects how you’d feel without Michaelin Star, eh?
Shop ‘Til You Drop
Ah yes, the mall. Maybe you’re shopping for a new dress for an upcoming event or picking up Chick-fil-A to bring home to your parents (just me? K). Mall symbology always kind of throws me, I think because you have to go by what it means to you. The fact that malls are really fading away adds a piece of societal commentary, too. Shopping can represent attempts to make a good impression on someone, or your relationship with the public in general.
The good news: You know what you want, you’re just shopping for Michaelob in all the wrong places. Maybe your brain was like “haha, where to buy new husband? Where you get new tennis shoes. Mall.”
And then your brain was like, “Mackenzie gets mauled at the mall: Here’s a dude with a butterfly knife.”
Now that’s a knoife!
What’s terrifying and so Handmaid’s is the fact that the shoppers don’t pay attention to you while you shout out for help. Instead:
They lope across the mall’s tile floors like cows grazing in a field, their arms full of shopping bags.
You, Mackeral Writertrout Extraordinaire, in the post before this one
(I l o v e d this imagery btw, it gave me Exit West vibes, heart eyes). Here you are helplessly looking for your husband in a public place and it’s completely acceptable for this dude to come up to you and cut you with a knife??? *Shudders for all eternity*
As evidenced by the appearance of my Shun knife in Dream #1, I’ve seen my fair share of knives in dreams, but usually, I’m the one wielding it.
What if a butterfly were made out of butter?
In Buddhist culture, getting cut in a dream actually represents learning, in relation to cutting the bonds of ignorance. It also begs the question, what do you need to cut out of your life? Or, what’s cutting into your time or taking too much from you? Alternate translation: Life w/o Michaelob hurts.
I found it interesting that the knife was a butterfly knife, as butterflies are a powerful symbol for transformation.
Hide & Seeking
Onto the staircase. A flashlight, of course, is associated with shedding light on a certain issue. What’s fascinating, though, is that in the dark, when someone’s chasing you, the opposite is true, a flashlight gets you found.
Is there something in waking life you’re seeking that maybe requires a different approach? Or something you’re hiding from?
According to my home dog, T. Rice Crispies, stairs leave an impression early on. In adulthood they can indicate:
Going up or down in life in your own estimation; so a shift in some way; gaining a new skill, or facing a challenge. Many dreams of climbing stairs include feelings of high anxiety. But the difficult feelings might not be due to danger, but to finding or realizing things that radically change the way you see yourself or the world.
^^Literally what I consider every time I descend the spiral staircase at work.
The Storage Wars of Your Subconscious
You remember that show, where those appraisers would bet on what was in a storage unit before getting to see what was inside? I got really into that show for a stint.
All of these doors in your drimmer are another symbol that are just downright captivating. A door can represent transition from one stage in life to another, or symbolize boundaries and opportunities in your own psyche. In your dream, the doors you opened mostly led to storage closets. Is there an idea or project you’ve had in the back of your mind that should perhaps make its way out of storage?
OK so. Clearly, these foolish Kenzie-nappers didn’t know who they were dealing with. You sneakeroonied right out of their grips, like the sneaky girl butterfly that you are (I just read an article about how butterflies act cute to steal turtles’ tears – you should see the tabs I have open rn). And you pretty effortlessly escape with this woman in white.
I gotta say this escape scene reminds me again of how various characters in Handmaid’s got away, particularly in the final pages. Was Offred going to her demise, or finally a way out of all of this? Striking, too, is the cargo van, which was also the preferred mode of transportation in HT.
I love that amidst the frenzy of your escape, you stop down to notice that your passport’s transformed into Michaelob’s notebook, this detail was awfully sweet. Is he communicating with you to tell you he’s okay on the outside somewhere? Were the gummy bears stuck in the pages still fresh? You’re getting closer, and this is the talisman you need to do what must be done.
Not soon after this, thanks to that leftover strawberry smoothie (a flavor that can represent passion and love), you’re able to blind your fears and surge forward in the nick of time. You know what I think about this chase scene in its entirety and that feeling of negativity hot on your trail? It’s a metaphor, again, for the disappearance of Mr. Michaelob.
My hot takes: Strawberry smoothies are delicious. You can officially tell your family you’re NOT the Lindbergh baby. The next time I see Michael, I’m going to bolt him to the floor.
Please do let me know how I did. How’s my dream analyzing? Call 555-Re-Re-Dream-5
Before I begin this, I really just want to say: CONGRATULATIONS!
Why? Because, my ferocious mini pony, it’s Friday. We limped across the finish line to find a three-day weekend ahead of us. We’ve done great work this week and we deserve all the wine we’re about to drink.
As I write this sweet, sweet (frightening) drim-dram I’m sipping on the delicious bottle of Bully Hill Space Shuttle Red that you bought me in the Fingerlakes the other week. I will attempt to go easy on it, but I make no promises.
Now, let’s dig into things, shall we?
Television is melting my brain.
I don’t even watch that much TV. If I lived alone, I’d probably barely turn mine on at all. Not to be uber pretentious, but… (okay, this is uber pretentious) I’m perfectly content with my books and my record collection. Visual stimulus not necessary.
However, I do not live alone. And my roommate/BFF/spouse-person is super into the TV-before-bed thing. Meaning we watch about an hour of something or other at 8 p.m. and then promptly brush our teeth and crash in bed with books at 9:15–9:30.
We are boring and The Worst™ , and I know it.
Except that the hour of TV we watch is usually something super unpleasant. For example, this week it was a mixture of the v. v. depressing Chernobyl as well as the equally depressing Handmaid’s Tale.
I’m telling you this only because this dreadful hour of TV tends to seep into my dreams. Sometimes in a bad way. Sometimes, like on this particular night.
I’m in three places at once.
This has been happening a lot recently. The locales just seem to blend together (you know, like an aromatic red wine blend). This time, it goes from cruise ship to university campus to shopping mall in the span of a few steps.
In the beginning of the drimmer, Mr. Michaelob and I are on the tail-end of a vacation. Our backpacks are in tow, passports in hand, and we’re departing a cruise ship. As always, port is something of a mob scene. There are swarms of people, and we’re milling slowly through the crowd, trying to find our way off the ship.
As we near the exits, Michael and I are separated. It’s something I don’t immediately panic over. We’re adults and heading in the same direction, and he’s also a dude (and thus, a less likely candidate for kidnapping). My higher brain tells me we’ll call each other and meet up outside of the ship. My lower brains submits to a sense of sheer anxiety. What if I can’t find him outside? What if I can’t find him at all?
Sidebar: This seems to happen in a lot of my dreams. Michaelob and I are separated somehow, and it ends up being a big source of anxiety. Maybe that’s something I can take on its face?
A B.A. in Criminal Psychopathy
As I cross over the crowded gangplank of the ship, I arrive not in port, but in the halls of a crowded university. Judging from the lively common areas and rooms, it seems I’ve emerged in a dormitory. Thinking maybe my significant otter is somewhere in the crowd looking for me, too, I meander about the dorms. My passport is still in my hand.
Michaelob is nowhere to be found. Instead, I’m approached by some milquetoast, college-aged young man with a dark mop of hair. I can’t remember any details of his face. I don’t think he was anyone that I awake-know. Really just some vague amalgam of TV characters and people I’ve seen in passing, maybe.
What sticks with me is how utterly persistent this guy is. He’s trying to get my attention, trying to make me laugh, trying to make me see him. The issue is, I just don’t really care. It’s Michaelob Ultron I’m looking for. Still, the guy pesters me to such a degree that I start to feel legitimately uncomfortable and flee the dorms.
I end up in a semi-vacant corridor. I’ve crossed over into the classroom area of campus. The walls are all white, the lights fluorescent. There’s a patently sterile feel to it all. Peering into one of the rooms, I notice labs. Now I’m just feeling like I’m somewhere I’m not supposed to be. I walk on instead.
Capitalist Meet-Cutes for the Masses.
I’m relieved when I walk through a large set of double doors into what appears to be the campus cafeteria. Only, after a moment’s inspection, I realize it’s not a university cafeteria at all, but the food court in a mall. There are shopfronts all along the wall, a penny-fountain, and an exit blanched in white light on one side.
I’m still missing a Michaelob, so I hurry towards the exit. Of course, since this is a creep-out dream, I’m intercepted by the frat boy. He’s not happy I walked out before. This time, his persistence is taken to a new level. He’s hovering like a gnat, and to my horror, wielding a butterfly knife. He spins it around his fingers, waving the tip in my face, threatening me.
I start to run, but Edward Scissorshit gives chase. The knife grazes my cheek. He’s laughing and shouting. I start crying out for help, but the surrounding shoppers are completely oblivious. They lope across the mall’s tile floors like cows grazing in a field, their arms full of shopping bags.
The lights go out.
I’m aware of the passage of time. I didn’t see it happen. But this is a dream, remember? When have clocks ever made a difference (except in the realm of existentialist symbology).
The room I find myself in is pitch black, with the exception of the flashlight in my hand. That, and the flashlight on the other side of the room, where Edward Scissorshit and what appears to be his sister are calling after me.
My flashlight might as well be a bullseye, so I turn it off and drop it, edging along the side of the room. When I say room, I’m talking warehouse-sized. It’s big, the center mostly empty save for a few crates, and there are stairs everywhere. One flight, two flights. Three or four floors, as far as I can see in the darkness. The Shits are on the ground floor, so I quietly pad up the stairs.
The next several moments are just climbing and descending stairs. Sometimes I’m heading towards the second and I end up on the fourth. And when I’m going up, I’m going down. It’s like an M.C. Escher painting, only with more Jason Statham-level action suspense.
Eventually, I start to see doors. Lots of doors. I open them, one at a time, each leading to some dead-end storage room, until I finally find an exit I can slip out of.
I open up on some sort of chateau-style terrace with a long banister and armed guards milling about. They’re dressed all in black tactical gear and carrying sub-machine guns.
Sidebar: What the fuck? Do you ever wonder why every morning when I message you I’m like, “I’m so tired, omg.” I spent all night evading heavily armed militia.
It’s Prison Break but with less prison and more panache.
A couple questions at this point:
Who in the actual dicks kidnapped me?
Why am I so easy to kidnap?
Is this the actual worst end to any vacation ever?
Where is my real-life human husband?
Truth be told, I’ve never been kidnapped before. I know, hard to believe. I’ve been told by family members before that I’m quite kidnappable, which is actually v. v. alarming? Thanks, fam.
All that being said, I’ve stealthed the heck out of a lot of video games in my day, so how different can this be? It’s a drim-dram, and I really believe in myself as well as the stupidity of my foes, so lo and behold, I actually manage to sneaky-snake my way down to the street.
There’s a woman waiting for me. Do I know her? No, not really. But she’s a woman wearing white (HELLOOOO, Symbolism) and I was just butterfly-knifed repeatedly by some greasy-haired shitboy in black, so I’m like, “Hi, I trust you with my life.”
She’s pulling me towards a cargo van. Apparently it’s used by the owner of the estate to transport jewelry. Certainly an odd detail, but I’m running for me life, so do I have time to question it? Jenny, I donut.
It’s time for a nerve-shattering Hell-ride.
Passenger vans weren’t exactly made for speed. It’s not like I’ve ever had to write about one of these things for work before so how would I…
Well. I slam the sliding door, buckle up, and look to the driver. Does she look familiar? Not even. But her M.O. of “get the actual feck out of here” seems to align with mine perfectly, so I question nothing. Instead, I look at the passport in my hand. Only now, it’s not a passport anymore.
Now it’s a notebook, and I see all these notes and drawings left by Michaelob. Notes about a fantasy world he’s constructing for a book, pictures of swords and monsters. Gummy bears stuck to pages. Fragment of little action figures taped in. I wonder if I should be looking in on his thoughts without his permission, but then I remember he drew them in my notebook, and I feel vindicated.
The van gets going, but the going is slow. I look out the passenger side mirror, and I notice we are, in fact, going slow enough that Edward Scissorshit’s sister is almost catching up to us at a run.
“Go, go!” I’m shouting at the driver. But I assure all of you, this bucket-o’-bolts is going as fast as it possibly can. Shitsister is getting close, and I’m getting nervous. I look around the front of the vehicle for some sort of weapon, something I can defend us with.
All that I find is a half-drunk smoothie in the front cup holder. It’s strawberry, red enough that it looks just like blood. Unsure of what else to do, I toss it into Shitsister’s face.
She’s so shocked she stumbles back, and the van charges forward.
Farewell, third glass of wine. I hardly knew ye.
That’s how many I drank before I finished this bad-boy of a drimmer.
Shh, don’t tell the flight of beer I had at dinner.
Sorry, it was that kind of week. I’m getting it out of my system now so it’s not that kind of weekend.
In any case, that was a fast-paced romp, wasn’t it? There are a lot of images to pick through in this one, and I can’t wait to see what you glean from it, my dear.
In the meantime, I might just pour myself another. Thank you again.
I say this because it’s an adorable nickname AND you are the best investigative bureau of a subconscious that a gal could ever ask for. BLESS.
This fellow with the folk rock, Gordon Ramsey’s far calmer brother, is just such a lovely soundtrack to these musings. Thank you for that! I know you are at the Mr. National concert right now and for that I am whipping through their new album at the speed of Quiet Light.
Let’s investigate, shall we?
I’m a Big Kid Now 🙁
I hope you read that to the tune of the Huggies jingle. I hope you did not envision me in a diaper. I guess this is obvious, but, living at home as an adult is just so different than when you were growing up.
Sometimes I get these ghostie inclinations that my brother or sister are in their respective rooms across the hall and want to scurry in late at night to talk. The passing of time just knocks the wind out of ya when you think about it.
I write this from my recently renovated bedroom that went from a lava lamp lit, stuffed animal explosion to a late-twenties Jenny haven with adequate lighting and a reading corner. 10 years can pass in the blink of an eye.
That old gate we’d had since I was a little lass, and we didn’t fix it until it physically came apart. Yes, you’re absolutely right: I loved being quarter master for this project with Cap’n Perkycutlass. He can’t do as much as he used to be able to and I was excited to help him.
Since moving back home, the odd jobs section of my resume has tripled in size, from taking apart the washing machine to replacing a belt on the mower, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I’m going to move out again in the next year, and while this stay is a handful of honey roasted Planter’s peanuts, it won’t be the same to not share a space with these nutty roommates who I love with my whole heart.
How the Hill Are Ya?
Yes, in act II of this dreampuff the entire horizon was hills!!! Landscape-wise in waking life, I love hilly terrain.
I like the way roads hug around hills like nature’s racetrack, houses nestle in a valley surrounded by tall hill guardians, or how at the top of a particularly steep hill, the view expands beneath you like an elaborate board game.
I do have a Zest for Life(TM) (readies enormous grater) and I think this dream came as a reminder that the greater the challenge, the greater the reward. So I definitely think your analysis rings true here and I want nothing more than for modern day Julie Andrews to react to your Sound of Music Julie meme.
I also desperately want to blare some sweet Lonely Island jams throughout the Austrian foothills. But I’ll refrain. I know A Boombox Is Not A Toy.
Are there memes in Genovia?
Let Your Love Grow Tall
As far as follow up from Monsieur Poppasquat, I should clarify that when I first saw the flowers, they were cut down, with their petals drooping. Here, I was struck by a feeling of equal parts awe and grief. When I mentioned this to my dad in the dream, I got the sense that he was going to fix it, again like the gate. I think this is a metaphor for parents making things better early in life and how once you leave that gate, they’re still there for you.
Later though, I’m able to see the excitement brought by the hills on my own. I think this relates back to the way my dad has instilled a sense of optimism and gratitude in me. I have learned countless life lessons from Mr. Happy Happy, Joy Joy, Cap’n Perkycutlass of the seven seas.
When You’re Here You’re Family
I was overjoyed that you and EnRhonda capped off this dream in such a delightful way. I feel like this drimmer hit after a particularly stressful twerk week, so your appearance was a confirmation that y’all have my back, now and in the future. *Clasps hands endearingly next to face*. Jornicorn, I have dreamt of you before too, boo <3
I couldn’t agree more! I feel so lucky to have you Pink Lady apples in my life! That feeling is akin to a steamy basket of savory, parm-smacked twisty dough-lights.
Now, somebody bring me an emergency basket of garlic knots (and/or Olive Garden breadsticks), STAT. DoorDash? Hello? Fresh!?
Thank you for the heads up on the cinematic flavor of this delightful technicolor dreamcoat. I’ve adequately prepped by popping some corn and pouring myself an ice cold glass of fizzy water. I’m stoked to break down this Oscar-worthy romp for you.
Before I begin, I should mention that I stumbled upon the perfect musical accompaniment for this one. As you well know, I can’t write a damn thing without music. Fortunately, I’ve got plenty of dreamy jams to spin, including this tune by Tyler Ramsey. The whole album is my recommended listen for the day.
Pt. 1: There’s a Mountain at Your Gates
I seem to remember you telling me about the job-well-done you and Papa P., A.K.A. Cap’n Perkycutlass, did on that gate. To put in that time and elbow grease together will leave an indelible mark on your Brun Burger. You probably don’t think of it much on the day-to-day, but I bet if you stopped and thought about that gate for any length of time, you’d automatically think of your Daddio Naharis (apple jeans for the GoT reference).
The act of fixing something–literally–with another person, is a deeply therapeutic and symbolic act. In the ol’ drim world, gates specifically represent feelings of security and opportunity. When tied to home and, moreover, to a linchpin of your youth and innocence (begetting more security), I think the gate is a nod to safety. Both gates, really, since you’re also thinking of the second gate, the one that shields you and your siblings’ childhood trees.
I really can’t think of a more reliable or clear-cut metaphor of youth and security. Your subconscious is on-point!
I would ask if there’s any anxieties that have been encroaching on this safe feeling recently, but I believe the Golden God, Lilybutts, holds the answer.
Who, or what, can be more innocent, precious, or warm than a loving pup? I believe the worry that Lily will escape, particularly through the gaps in the gate you and your dad fixed, represents an anxiety familiar to all young people in their mid to late twenties:
At some point those cornerstones of youth and safety, ones you’ve held dear all your life, will be lost. It’s an inevitability, though a sour one for all.
*Resists urge to start playing “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac*
Jennybean, am I anywhere near the mark with this nostalgia-laced sucker punch? If I am… well, just know that I’m right there with you. I suppose that, yes, we’re already adults. We have adulty jobs and big kid shoes and retirement plans, but we are still very young. Our inner children are raging against the real-world machine.
Pt. 2: The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Psyche
You know what else gates represent? The desire to separate us from the world outside. So while my interpretation of part one may have seemed like a bummerino, part two is far more optimistic:
While anxieties may linger over what is left behind, you know that the world beyond is beautiful. And it is waiting for you.
*Resists urge to start playing “Don’t Stop” by Fleetwood Mac*
When you looked out on this Seussian dreamscape, was the horizon made up entirely of hills? I find this interesting for a couple reasons. For one thing, hills quite clearly represent obstacles, due to the necessary and sometimes arduous ascent required to pass over them. Clearly, you’re preempting the challenges the future may hold. However, these challenges are continually shifting. Do you feel that this shift was exhilarating? Did it make is easier to pass over these hills?
Flowers, too, are a vibrant symbol. The tulips that you specifically ID’ed are all about new beginnings and opportunity–the attached red color speaks to passion. Perhaps this is your lust for life, Jennybean? Your way of looking at the unknown and charging ahead shouting:
Pt. 3: Oh Captain My Captain!
This was such a stunning sight, you just had to report it all to the inventor, didn’t you? Parents are inventors in the most basic, biological sense. They invent actual living, breathing people–sometimes completely by accident, often on purpose. Cap’n Perkycutlass as inventor seems to be another clear-cut metaphor.
It really warms my heart that subconsciously you wanted to run back to him and tell him everything you’d discovered beyond that wind-blown red gate. It harkens back to another strong feeling from youth: Look, Dad! Look what I found, look what I made!
Was there any subconscious follow-up here? What did the Cap have to say about your discovery?
Pt. 4: Praise Be to Garlic Knots
Okay, I am utterly honored to have made a cameo at the end of this impactful dreambino. I will henceforth consider it my finest role.
Sidebar: While I didn’t type it out for the blogbear, I did mention to you the other day that you were in my dream, too! I find it delightful that our waking bond has transcended to a sort of telepathic level where:
The dialogue is so on point.
We’re meeting at a spa in one brain burger and going for a relaxing jog in another.
Friend-Care = Self-Care!!
You’ve gone from anxiety over the past to wonder at the future directly to a Subconscious Spa where the one and only Embersticks “All-Night Snack Bar” Vestibule and I are waiting.
This dream is all about clearly defining the stages of one’s life, I believe. I don’t know about you, but when I look back, I view certain friendships as lines of demarcation in the crazy landscape of maturation. A good example, for me, is when I met you, Embersticks, and our dear Master Sparklehorn. You three are my V.I.P.s.
So, perhaps Embersticks and I, in this instance, are showing that the next chapter is not something to fret over, but something to get excited about (you know, like a piping hot basket of garlic knots).
I’m not saying the transition is always going to be smooth. But with the right people by your side, it will always be FUN.
F is for friends who do stuff together U is for you and me N is for anywhere and anytime at all
Have you ever had an animated dream? Dreamed in all black and white? In a foreign or made-up language?
All dreams have meaning. But there are times where dreams just feel realer. Would you agree? Aboard these vivid drimboats, you’re taken on a journey that surprises you, excites you, and immerses you in more color than you can possibly see in waking life.
Many times these are the dreams that stick out the most to me. This dream was one of em that had moments seemingly ordinary and extraordinary, and I quite enjoyed the juxtaposition. I hope you do, too!
Part Un: Ye Shall Not Pass
I’m outside in my parent’s stone walkway, likely on my way to work in the morning or heading out on an errand. It’s really windy and the gate my Dad and I fixed last fall is making a clacking sound in the current. We replaced it with new wooden planks and painted it a vibrant Badlands Red.
I can see a gap between the bottom of the gate and the fence that swells when the wind whips through. Enough, I think to myself, for a three-year-old golden retriever hellbent on chasing a chipmunk to squeeze through.
Lily senior, Cayanne, and the old gate <3
Now~ the following details weren’t in my dream, but they’ll help you understand the strangeness I felt being at two parts of the yard simultaneously.
We have another gate at the back yard, it’s chicken wire in a big frame and closes securely when you swing it shut, pull its chain, and hook it around its steel post. It guards the three trees we planted when my brother, sister, and I were varying degrees of yougin’.
While I know I was on my way going somewhere when I saw the red gate, in the close-up in my dream that showed the gap, it was actually where the wire gate normally is, guarding the back yard. I tell my Dad about the gap, and he says there’s a bottom latch he’s been hanging onto from when we fixed it originally that will hold things together, and it does.
It’s another day. Another walk out to my car. I unlatch the red gate and it breaks off of its hinges and into my hands without any extra effort. I try to reattach it. Awkwardly trying to balance the connected slats of wood, I notice a sequence of numbers on the gate itself that match the post and try to line these up. I get it to stand upright and look sturdy and secure from the naked eye, but I know that whoever walks back through it will break it again. That feels unsettling to me.
In the next part of the dream, my Dad becomes a famed inventor. IRL, he’s got the crazy Guy Fieri hair for it, at the very least!
Part Deux: Animation Station
I’m looking out over these round, huge, cartoonish green hills. I think to myself how beautiful they are and exaggerated, like something out of a Dr. Seuss book. As I walk toward the plump landscape, the hills do a very Pixar thing and shuffle around like a deck of cards being held by a giant.
As I take a few steps, they bunch up and disperse in a stop-motion way until I’m elevated to being level with their peaks. That’s when I notice them: Big green stems like tree logs, like a close-up of the bottoms of asparagus stalks. Directly above them, giant, curved red petals that look large enough to slide down. Despite my wonder, I’m concerned that they’ve fallen and cannot grow any longer. The bottoms of their stems are blunt as if someone’s taken the world’s largest pair of Fiskars and cut them.
Before returning home, I tell the inventor.
The next day I set out for the green hills again. This time, before I even begin my climb, I can see the gargantuan tulips, a beacon of red hovering against the green hills – it’s a breathtaking sight, the colors are so overwhelmingly vibrant. I pause to take them in. At the end of the day, I run home, energy pumping through my legs. I can’t wait to get up and see the flowers again.
The next day I journey up the green hills, there are more huge, colorful attractions to see. Now, as I ascend the hills, each one unfolds like a surprise greeting held in a pop-up card. Despite looking very real, they also remind me of glossy 3D paper. There’s a shiny, red rollercoaster, those like joke colored worm things that come out of a can of whoop ass- but huge and blue. They constantly fly out in different directions and then disappear and start over again.
The hills are alive with the sound of…whoop ass?
That’s what Julie Andrews sang right-
I’m downright E N C H A N T E D. I now know what to ask for for Christmas this year.
Every time you walk up and down the hills, you find something new, and the higher you venture, the more you find. I take a picture, then saunter down to the information kiosk tucked into the side of the bottom hill like a hobbit house.
Cue the Spa Babes
At the info station, I run into Mack and Enron. They have white towels around their heads and monogrammed bath robes on. They twinkle their toes fresh with polish. Obviously, they’ve just had a relaxing afternoon at the Hillside Spa(TM).
Mack starts massaging my shoulders saying “feel that? You’ve got yourself a gnarly knot.” (that’s when in real life I would have said, “is that like a garlic knot???”) Mack continues: “Let’s loosen that up for you shall we?”
Then I wake up. Thank you for rubbing my shoulders in my dreams, Mackadoodle boo. You the real MVP. <3 Now, what the heckeroonie does all this mean!!?? I can’t wait to hear your take!
I made a critical mistake last night before bed, having read your astute reply. That combined with some late evening writing and a particularly frustrating episode of GoT left my mind so wired I barely got a wink of sleep. As I write this, I am running on fumes and sheer piss-and-vinegar will, so forgive me my… well, inevitable inarticulocity.
Of course, before I really begin, I have an announcement to make:
*Clears throat*
Today marks my formal candidacy for mayor of Crazytown, USA.
Ask not what your existential crisis can do for you, ask what you can do for your existential crisis!
Don’t Let the Sky Fall Down On Me
I said Jenny & the Bets and now I’m doing an Elton John theme. I don’t make the rules here.
Oh, apocalypse. I’m really not the sky-is-falling type. I had enough of that kind of cynicism in my sordid youth. Now, I’ve emerged from my teen angst like an annoyingly positive phoenix from the ashes.
That doesn’t mean I’m not still dramatic as all get out.
The theater represents my social life, eh? I’ve mentioned this before, but I see my social calendar filling up more and more lately. And while I love every hour spent with friends and family, I get tired. I’m a reformed cynic, but I’ll never really shake the introvert I’ve been since childhood. I need to be alone with my thoughts or my circuits completely fry.
I really try to give my all to those in my immediate sphere. Honestly. Even on the days when I’m really tired. I want to be a wife, daughter, friend, and boss. It’s exhausting. Sometimes I just need… to be left the feck alone, you know?
Saturday Night’s All Right for Staying In
It’s around this point in my reply notes that I jotted down “bless your actual fart,” and I can’t remember what that was in reference to, but I stand by it. Bless you, my ferocious miniature pony.
Perhaps I was just marveling at how keen your analysis was. For instance, do I take refuge in my own company? Do I ever. I used to not like myself very much. Now? Hot damn, I love hanging out with me! Fun conversation, smooth music taste, even better taste in wine…
I say this all without a trace of conceit, by the way, because self-love is hard and I’m learning to own that shit a bit more each and every day.
One of the best things about being alone with myself is that I get to play in sandboxes of my very own making. It looks almost exactly like this except my teeth are longer:
Even when I’m totally alone I’m not lonely. I’ve got so many characters and different worlds floating around the ol’ nog-bog, it’s easy enough just to drift away into another realm sometimes. My dream is to get some of these realms and characters down on paper in a way that doesn’t utterly repulse people.
Hey! Maybe that’s where The Red Curtains of Ambition™ come into play…
Funeral for a Fiend/Love Lies Reaping
Your hashtag game is truly astounding. #TwinningAndSinning? I almost spit my seltzer.
When I was considering who this evil twin might represent, I was thinking more of the external. I.e. someone in my waking life. But here you’ve come, charging into my Meat Dome with your Freudian greatsword, riding a horse named Duality, and I’m… I’m shook.
The psychopomp was within me all along.
I should’ve seen this coming. As you know from the many many conversations we’ve had, I’m a huge advocate of painstaking self-reflection. After my most recent bout, I’ve been really focusing on my need to be more assertive in both professional and personal settings.
So, who knows? Maybe the twinsies are more like… Ego vs. Id? Civilized Conduct vs. Feral-Possum Impulse?
Tiny Destroyer
I won’t deny that this Tony Crisp fella sounds like a wise man. But “Tony Crisp” also sounds like the Christian name of one “Tony the Tiger,” doesn’t it? Sir Anthony Crisp!
Greetings from the Kellogg’s Pantheon, A.K.A. my tiny blue insane asylum on the hill. You know, grim reaping really seems like the hard way to mental expansion. Brown acid would have been easier. As it is…
Perhaps I am at odds with my impulses of creation and destruction, both in personal relationships and in creative life. Remember that sandbox I mentioned? When I don’t get enough time to play in there, I kind of freak out a little bit. I get snippy and overwhelmed. After enough time away, I feel so stoppered that when I finally find some alone time I don’t know what to do with it.
When I had this dream, I was dealing with a wicked case of writer’s block. Pressures from my daily life had me mentally fatigued and pretty short on imagination.
I’ve since looked that writer’s block–let’s call it… Lorelai Gilmore–dead in the eye and said, “GFY,” but at the time, I was definitely feeling emotionally vulnerable.
I think you hit on the main takeaway here: I’ve got to stick to my guns, whether it’s at work, when staring down a blank page, or while deciding on the fate of ailing middle-aged men.
WooooWEE! This dreamboat’s cargo bay was so full of striking symbology that it took me a couple of rounds to unpack- apple jeans for the delay!! I wanted to make sure I was doing such a drimmer proper justice.
So, where do we start? Reveling in the theater atmosphere, shirking grim reaper duties to save a man dying on his lawn, run-ins with Burt Reynolds AND Lorelai Gilmore… your evil twin (???!!!?) what a wild ride through post-apocalyptic Crazytown, USA.
I’ve already decided you need to chronicle this into a comic book, STAT because I got such cool noir vibes at every turn.
OK, let’s begin, or shall I say be-gin?
The end as the beginning
The post-apocalyptic landscape: Why? This definitely could have come from a movie or show you saw recently, but I also wanted to ask: Was there anything happening around the time of this dream that felt kind of dire (like the end of the world in your mind) that may have spurred this on?
This in some ways could be like an escape dream, even if all you’re escaping is a packed schedule or the demands of daily life.
I think it’s important to note that you/not you survived the end of the world. With every end, even on this scale, comes a new beginning. Plus you still have your safe space and refuge: The theater.
All the world’s a stage
The empty theater is such a perfect way to bookend this dream. According to the Googs, theaters often represent a person’s social life. I thought it was also interesting that seeing red curtains can indicate that you’re working hard to achieve your goals (can confirm, you’re an all-star ;)).
But because your character is alone in the theater, I think this could mean that you find refuge in your own company. Does this check out? Have you been craving some alone time recently?
The whistling is a super-unique detail to pick up on. Whistling in general alerts you to something, and in the dream it lets you know this is not you.
Maybe it’s not you now, maybe it’s you in the future, or another life, or an amalgam of how you see “you.” You’re for the most part alone in this dream after all, save for well, your evil twin…
Let’s talk about that evil twin of yours. Even though this character feels like not you, when you’re together, you feel more yourself.
I found a great blog that gave some possible interpretations of evil twin dreams including that these doppleganging escapades could be “an indication of an internal battle with yourself or harmony with the different personas within you” – I was intrigued.
This could presumably be the negative copy of Mackenzie or
this person you were playing in your dream’s theater.
Being told what to do by your evil twin is interesting. Do you listen to that voice in your head or go along with the script/what’s expected? This could be a reminder that you don’t have to do things “by the book,” especially when you know they’re not right.
The spoken and unspoken dialogue between you and your twin could be reminiscent of weighing your options when you’re faced with conflict in waking life: Do you voice your opinion and stand up for yourself? Do you go against the norm? It might be the hard way (you might get beaten up for it), but you’ll be better for it in the long run.
I’m blue da ba dee da ba daa
That blue house on the hill. What a poignant image. What do we make of it?
My internet detective work suggests that houses in dreams
represent your own soul and self, and that seeing a blue house could be a sign
of luck and gain.
Ascending the hill to get there also stood out to me. Tony
Crisp’s Dream Dictionary says this:
The top of a hill is often used in sacred symbolism to represent the crown of the head, which in turn relates to the potential we have as humans to expand our awareness beyond what is available through our physical senses. This expanded awareness takes us beyond time and separation into a more unified life.
Side note: You’re the grim reaper and you’re at the blue house on the hill to end a life, but at the last moment, you decide to save it (the paunch-bellied man on the lawn).
This imagery is no-doubt strong. Could it be that you need to get back into a project, hobby, or situation that’s not getting your full attention, or maybe one you were planning to retire?
Haters gonna hate, but the show must go on
Maybe some of your ginvincibility is wearing off by this point, and without your twin you’re feeling vulnerable. Furthermore you have to deal with those punks that now stand in your path.
Are you feeling vulnerable anywhere in waking life, Mack? Luckily you have your theater, which could be an actual place, or a mental refuge where- and whenever you need it.
Lorelai and this other blonde. I REALLY don’t know what to make of them (well, I have some thoughts lol). They sort of perpetuate your feelings of vulnerability, as your eye injury indicates not seeing “eye to eye” with others, and having ideas that don’t follow the popular opinion. You took the high road, remember? And they’re the “in” crowd.
Whatever it is you may be feeling uneasy about: Trust your gut and be the fantastic, willful, wonderful Mackenzie that you are. We can’t be liked by everyone and sticking to your guns can be tough, but it makes us who we are. And that individuality is not easily replicated, not even by an evil twin.
There are few immutable truths in this life. Someday, we all must die. Rain will always be wet.
Gin is an affront to mankind.
I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but anyone that claims to like gin is actually just nurturing a traumatic pain. Probably from childhood.
Them’s the rules, and I do not make ’em. That being said:
This dream is brought to you by gin.
You ever have one of those dreambinos where you’re not quite yourself? Maybe you’re not even someone that you know, you’re just some random character. Perhaps this person is an amalgam of other characters you’ve been hoovering off of screens and pages throughout your life: TV super spies and dashing knights and zombies.
I don’t know where this person came from, but as so often happens in these types of dreams, it feels utterly right to walk in their skin. Or maybe it’s just that all day as I coast through my conscious life, this made-up stranger is walking in my skin.
Maybe I should let my imaginary friends out to play more often.
Not too long ago I was on a cruise ship (slaycation, you well know). Some people find it mildly terrifying to be adrift at sea inside of a massive boat, but I’m sort of the opposite. I find comfort in a self-contained city surrounded by nothing but miles upon miles of water. And that’s what a cruise ship feels like–a tiny city. You can walk from room to room at all hours of the day, from bar to casino to theater and back again. Everything is just steps away at any moment.
This is what the city of my dreams feels like.
There’s an interconnectedness, a metropolis made of rooms. A promenade shopping mall here, a pub there; but for me, it always starts and ends in the theater.
I like theaters, too: the smell of crushed velvet, heavy drapery the color of cabernet, gold leaf molding, dust motes cascading down under the stage lights.
The theater of my dreams is empty. Footfalls echo. I weave through the aisles of velvet chairs, whistling all the while.
(This is the first moment I can look back and know I am not me any longer, because I cannot whistle.)
I push through the heavy black doors into the city beyond. The promenade awaits, half abandoned and overgrown with ivy. There is evidence of a time before: shattered glass panels, a filthy skylight, amputee mannequins in windows, cracked cement. If that time was somehow more profitable, good fortune has clearly passed.
I first see her surrounded by a crowd.
She is laughing and grinning, with a smile that could cut glass. And maybe, in fact, she is the source of all this ruin. I think to myself it’s entirely possible. She’s artfully cruel like that.
My sister, the destroyer.
Not Mackenzie’s sister though. This one has wild, dark curls and green eyes. This one is tall and waifish, and she doesn’t shy from a crowd. Not just my sister, but my twin.
Pulling my jacket a bit tighter around myself, I lope into the shadows, trying to walk past the crowd unnoticed. The problem with that is, I can’t seem to go anywhere without her finding me. Except, of course, the theater.
She laughs and laughs and laughs.
I take the escalator to the house on the hill.
In a little blue house on a hill, with a little white picket fence and little pink flowers, a man lies dying on the lawn.
Maybe this is a thing that would scare me–real-life, actual me–but dream me is here with a purpose. This is what she was made for. The man must know it, because when I come towards him, he chokes, begging me to turn away. “Not yet,” he’s gasping, “please.”
I kneel by his side. He seems like a nice enough man. His hair is thinning, belly only just softening with the paunch of middle age. In the driveway there’s a little pink tricycle parked beside his car.
With a single touch of my hand, the child that rides that tricycle can be made fatherless. I know this, implicitly. A history of taking and taking and taking from the world is known to me in an instant.
This is the worst part of the job, really.
“What are you waiting for?” Sister asks me. She’s more curious than she is agitated. I guess I’m an oddity to her.
In the distance, sirens are wailing, heralding the ambulance that will drive this man to safety.
“I don’t have to take him.”
“If you won’t do it, then I will.”
She reaches for him. I grab her by the wrist. It’s not what I’m saying with my mouth, but with my eyes. For once, can we just do things my way?
I’m shocked that she lets me lead her away. She can’t be so bad, can she? Not my own twin.
We’re strolling down the hill as the ambulance arrives. Twilight has fallen over the promenade and the looted shops below. Sister isn’t talking to me, but it’s a comfortable silence. I’m proud.
She can be different. I can be different, too.
A middle-aged man passes us on the stairs, dark-haired where the man on the hill was fair. He looks, strangely, like Burt Reynolds. And he’s whistling and cat-calling my sister and asking to take her home.
“Let me show you a good time, sweetheart…”
It’s the kind of attention that makes me want to gag. It’s uncomfortable and unnecessary, and I’m just about to tell him off when she shrugs and smiles coyly.
“Why not?”
She winks at me, and I’m left staring after her. The man slings his arm over her shoulder. If he’s lucky, she’ll be the best he’s ever had. She’ll almost certainly be the last.
Why do nice reapers always finish last?
With my twin by my side, I’d be invincible. But here I am, strolling these strange shopping mall catacombs alone at night, and I feel weirdly… vulnerable. Kind of ironic, I suppose.
There are young people sitting in stairwells, laughing from low walls as they drink malt liquor. All eyes are on me as I pass, and I can’t help but feel that they’re laughing at me.
I try to pass through into the theater, but a girl stops me. “Hold on. You gotta pay up to pass.” Her cronies surround me on all sides.
“I don’t have any money.”
“You’ve got money. Everyone’s got money. Pay up.”
I empty my pockets. “I don’t have anything. I just need to get through.”
“No one gets through unless they pay.”
I push. They push back. One of them shoves me, then another. Then the lead girl is swinging a fist.
In my theater, nothing can hurt me.
I keep touching my face. My right eye is swollen and puffy, but I can see, and I can hear, too. There’s laughter in my theater where there should only be silence.
I walk up the right aisle of chairs to find my mother joking with a blonde woman my own age. When I say my mother, of course, I mean Lorelai Gilmore because… well, why not?
“What are you doing here?” I ask her. She’s not usually around when I need her. And while I wouldn’t exactly say that I need her now, I need someone. Anyone.
Not that she hears me.
“Mom? What are you doing here?”
She and the blonde are laughing and laughing. I take a seat in one of the red velvet chairs. They’re laughing by the yellow light of the stage.
She turns, as if only just realizing I’m here.
“What happened to your eye?”
Jenny, why doesn’t Lorelai Gilmore love me?
Okay, maybe it’s the gin that doesn’t love me. It certainly doesn’t love my stomach. I do have some good news though: that bottle of gin that’s been taking up space in my cabinet for a year and a half is now in the recycling bin.
And if nothing else, I got a pretty interesting dream out of it.
Hot damn, you are good at cracking this old nut of mine. There were so many delightful observations to be found in your analysis, yet somehow, my main takeaway is this:
If I had one million dollars right now, I would literally blow every cent of it on financing a toilet-humor-themed Charlie Daniels parody band led by you.
I would regret nothing.
I’m peein’ on the midnight train to Georgia.
What was it like when I stayed in Georgia? I’ve thought a lot about this recently, as I’ve been ruminating over how much I’ve changed in the 4 1/2 years since then. It seems like so long ago already, and I truly feel like a different person.
At that time in my life, I was awkward and anxious and on the cusp of real adulthood. I was also really unsure of who I could be. I was out of my comfort zone, but that’s where I wanted to be.
I’ll never forget the first Friday I spent down there. A week had passed, and Kris and I went bar-hopping–you know, to get a real taste of what Savannah, GA, has to offer. At some point, we ended up in The Rail Pub slamming PBRs and Irish Breakfast shots. It was a moment of carefree inebriation and stunning clarity all in one, in which I realized that the next few months of my life could be whatever I wanted them to be.
So, yes, it was good. It was maturing and learning a lot about me. And it’s something I’m immensely grateful for.
This is where we get all cat’s-in-the-cradle.
Since then, I’ve grown a lot. My life has changed in a big way. Every month, I seemingly grow out of my former self a little more. It’s a lot like an old winter coat that no longer seems to fit, the kind that you’d stash somewhere in the basement (hey, wait a second…).
This also means that life is constantly growing busier. The calendar fills up fast. And of course I’d love to spend more time with my mom and sister but…
*Harry Chapin croons solemnly in the distance*
I know dreams are a place for metaphor, but maybe I should just take this one literally: it’s time to block off some more time for the three of us gals.
The kids are all wet.
Urinating is one way to relieve yourself, but not a direct translation for what you may be dealing with deep down.
Juniper Peppercorns, from the blog post just before this one
As I was reading through your analysis and jotting down notes, I picked up on this gem and simply scrawled, in all caps, “WOOF.”
I’m not sure if you know this about me, but I’m sort of really good at compartmentalization. Like, if it were an Olympic sport, I’d put Michael Phelps to shame. My face would be on a Wheaties box. Except they’d have to change the name to Weepies… you know, for obvious reasons.
I’m starting to feel that this dream is more about growing pains than anything else. Meditating on the distance between my current self and the child I once was (a person who is, in some ways, almost unrecognizable to me). Lamenting the constraints of a busy schedule and the lack of time with certain family members.
(That’s the Shame-Wow, isn’t it? Sidebar: I would pay a second lump sum of one million dollars to star in the infomercial for that Shark Tank-worthy product.)
But, hey, maybe it is time to pull the stopper and let go of that undue pressure I’m putting on myself.
“Ready, Able”
Why Grizzly Bear, you asked? That’s a good question. You know I love some good animal symbology, and I think that which you’ve provided is fitting: the bear teaches how to look inward for the tools for survival.
Isn’t growing up just learning what tools you have at your disposal and figuring out the best way to use them? Figuring out how to build something good for yourself?
You know, that reminds me this song that I really like…
// Five years, countless months and a loan Hope I’m ready, able to make my own Good home //