Mack and Give Me Twenty!
WooooWEE! This dreamboat’s cargo bay was so full of striking symbology that it took me a couple of rounds to unpack- apple jeans for the delay!! I wanted to make sure I was doing such a drimmer proper justice.
So, where do we start? Reveling in the theater atmosphere, shirking grim reaper duties to save a man dying on his lawn, run-ins with Burt Reynolds AND Lorelai Gilmore… your evil twin (???!!!?) what a wild ride through post-apocalyptic Crazytown, USA.
I’ve already decided you need to chronicle this into a comic book, STAT because I got such cool noir vibes at every turn.
OK, let’s begin, or shall I say be-gin?
The end as the beginning
The post-apocalyptic landscape: Why? This definitely could have come from a movie or show you saw recently, but I also wanted to ask: Was there anything happening around the time of this dream that felt kind of dire (like the end of the world in your mind) that may have spurred this on?
This in some ways could be like an escape dream, even if all you’re escaping is a packed schedule or the demands of daily life.
I think it’s important to note that you/not you survived the end of the world. With every end, even on this scale, comes a new beginning. Plus you still have your safe space and refuge: The theater.
All the world’s a stage
The empty theater is such a perfect way to bookend this dream. According to the Googs, theaters often represent a person’s social life. I thought it was also interesting that seeing red curtains can indicate that you’re working hard to achieve your goals (can confirm, you’re an all-star ;)).
But because your character is alone in the theater, I think this could mean that you find refuge in your own company. Does this check out? Have you been craving some alone time recently?
The whistling is a super-unique detail to pick up on. Whistling in general alerts you to something, and in the dream it lets you know this is not you.
Maybe it’s not you now, maybe it’s you in the future, or another life, or an amalgam of how you see “you.” You’re for the most part alone in this dream after all, save for well, your evil twin…
Let’s talk about that evil twin of yours. Even though this character feels like not you, when you’re together, you feel more yourself.
I found a great blog that gave some possible interpretations of evil twin dreams including that these doppleganging escapades could be “an indication of an internal battle with yourself or harmony with the different personas within you” – I was intrigued.
This could presumably be the negative copy of Mackenzie or this person you were playing in your dream’s theater.
Being told what to do by your evil twin is interesting. Do you listen to that voice in your head or go along with the script/what’s expected? This could be a reminder that you don’t have to do things “by the book,” especially when you know they’re not right.
The spoken and unspoken dialogue between you and your twin could be reminiscent of weighing your options when you’re faced with conflict in waking life: Do you voice your opinion and stand up for yourself? Do you go against the norm? It might be the hard way (you might get beaten up for it), but you’ll be better for it in the long run.
I’m blue da ba dee da ba daa
That blue house on the hill. What a poignant image. What do we make of it?
My internet detective work suggests that houses in dreams represent your own soul and self, and that seeing a blue house could be a sign of luck and gain.
Ascending the hill to get there also stood out to me. Tony Crisp’s Dream Dictionary says this:
The top of a hill is often used in sacred symbolism to represent the crown of the head, which in turn relates to the potential we have as humans to expand our awareness beyond what is available through our physical senses. This expanded awareness takes us beyond time and separation into a more unified life.
Side note: You’re the grim reaper and you’re at the blue house on the hill to end a life, but at the last moment, you decide to save it (the paunch-bellied man on the lawn).
This imagery is no-doubt strong. Could it be that you need to get back into a project, hobby, or situation that’s not getting your full attention, or maybe one you were planning to retire?
Haters gonna hate, but the show must go on
Maybe some of your ginvincibility is wearing off by this point, and without your twin you’re feeling vulnerable. Furthermore you have to deal with those punks that now stand in your path.
Are you feeling vulnerable anywhere in waking life, Mack? Luckily you have your theater, which could be an actual place, or a mental refuge where- and whenever you need it.
Lorelai and this other blonde. I REALLY don’t know what to make of them (well, I have some thoughts lol). They sort of perpetuate your feelings of vulnerability, as your eye injury indicates not seeing “eye to eye” with others, and having ideas that don’t follow the popular opinion. You took the high road, remember? And they’re the “in” crowd.
- This might make you feel better in the meantime: 20 Things Wrong With Lorelai We All Chose To Ignore.
Whatever it is you may be feeling uneasy about: Trust your gut and be the fantastic, willful, wonderful Mackenzie that you are. We can’t be liked by everyone and sticking to your guns can be tough, but it makes us who we are. And that individuality is not easily replicated, not even by an evil twin.
I hope this helped!
With all of my love,
Jell-O Pringles Dust III