Well, well, well. You’ve outdone yourself again, Bertie Macklin’, FBI.
I say this because it’s an adorable nickname AND you are the best investigative bureau of a subconscious that a gal could ever ask for. BLESS.
This fellow with the folk rock, Gordon Ramsey’s far calmer brother, is just such a lovely soundtrack to these musings. Thank you for that! I know you are at the Mr. National concert right now and for that I am whipping through their new album at the speed of Quiet Light.
Let’s investigate, shall we?
I’m a Big Kid Now 🙁
I hope you read that to the tune of the Huggies jingle. I hope you did not envision me in a diaper. I guess this is obvious, but, living at home as an adult is just so different than when you were growing up.
Sometimes I get these ghostie inclinations that my brother or sister are in their respective rooms across the hall and want to scurry in late at night to talk. The passing of time just knocks the wind out of ya when you think about it.
I write this from my recently renovated bedroom that went from a lava lamp lit, stuffed animal explosion to a late-twenties Jenny haven with adequate lighting and a reading corner. 10 years can pass in the blink of an eye.
That old gate we’d had since I was a little lass, and we didn’t fix it until it physically came apart. Yes, you’re absolutely right: I loved being quarter master for this project with Cap’n Perkycutlass. He can’t do as much as he used to be able to and I was excited to help him.
Since moving back home, the odd jobs section of my resume has tripled in size, from taking apart the washing machine to replacing a belt on the mower, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I’m going to move out again in the next year, and while this stay is a handful of honey roasted Planter’s peanuts, it won’t be the same to not share a space with these nutty roommates who I love with my whole heart.
How the Hill Are Ya?
Yes, in act II of this dreampuff the entire horizon was hills!!! Landscape-wise in waking life, I love hilly terrain.
I like the way roads hug around hills like nature’s racetrack, houses nestle in a valley surrounded by tall hill guardians, or how at the top of a particularly steep hill, the view expands beneath you like an elaborate board game.
I do have a Zest for Life(TM) (readies enormous grater) and I think this dream came as a reminder that the greater the challenge, the greater the reward. So I definitely think your analysis rings true here and I want nothing more than for modern day Julie Andrews to react to your Sound of Music Julie meme.
I also desperately want to blare some sweet Lonely Island jams throughout the Austrian foothills. But I’ll refrain. I know A Boombox Is Not A Toy.

Let Your Love Grow Tall
As far as follow up from Monsieur Poppasquat, I should clarify that when I first saw the flowers, they were cut down, with their petals drooping. Here, I was struck by a feeling of equal parts awe and grief. When I mentioned this to my dad in the dream, I got the sense that he was going to fix it, again like the gate. I think this is a metaphor for parents making things better early in life and how once you leave that gate, they’re still there for you.
Later though, I’m able to see the excitement brought by the hills on my own. I think this relates back to the way my dad has instilled a sense of optimism and gratitude in me. I have learned countless life lessons from Mr. Happy Happy, Joy Joy, Cap’n Perkycutlass of the seven seas.
When You’re Here You’re Family
I was overjoyed that you and EnRhonda capped off this dream in such a delightful way. I feel like this drimmer hit after a particularly stressful twerk week, so your appearance was a confirmation that y’all have my back, now and in the future. *Clasps hands endearingly next to face*. Jornicorn, I have dreamt of you before too, boo <3
I couldn’t agree more! I feel so lucky to have you Pink Lady apples in my life! That feeling is akin to a steamy basket of savory, parm-smacked twisty dough-lights.
Now, somebody bring me an emergency basket of garlic knots (and/or Olive Garden breadsticks), STAT. DoorDash? Hello? Fresh!?

Toots n’ Kisses,
JP the Jenntle Giant