Henlo Baby got Mack,
Um. I feel like you just put a mirror in front of me that shows the inner workings of my soil. Your analysis helped me parse this dream in a way I absolutely could not have myself!
Thank you for your masterful interpretations and remarks *tips hat, lifts cane, drops cane, falls and cannot get up*
Trust the Brocess
I think you have a great point about these mini dreams, they may not feel connected to the main plot, but there’s a reason why your brain burger decides they’re worth rememberin’. Also YOU KNOW I would go all-in as an investor of your super-powered psychic protein shake business™.
Is any adult ever not feeling the strain of adulting? Woof. I haven’t been focusing on childhood memories, per say, but I will say that I’ve recently been connecting more with my brother.
We’re both single and trying to figure out life, which has made me feel closer to him. The weekend I had this drimmer we had been discussing friends who have kids and how far off that feels from our respective lives, which is how I felt in the dream when confronted with a situation like trying to care for unruly children.
I think this little stint does connect—and the fact that my brother and I have been chatting frequently about friends and new experiences is a good lead-in.
Reading between the through-lines
Amanda and Monica, why did I morph these two into one person/bride/dream bean?
Amanda was my OG BFF but we def fell out of touch, had different friends groups in middle and high school, and didn’t keep up with one another, I really don’t know the version of the person that she is today. But we were very close for a time when we were younger.
Monica is somebody who I was always friendly with and I think our friendship post-growing-up is just as or even stronger than when we were back in school together.
There was something that happened the last time I visited Monica that I didn’t think twice about until thinking back on this dream: I had just been down for a weekend visit and was in a little bit of a hurry to leave that Sunday morning – there was a chance of snow predicted to start in the late morning and I had a long drive back.
Because my brother lives about 20 minutes from Monica, I was grabbing breakfast with him on my way back up to PA. I thought I’d had everything, but once I left I realized I left my ring on the bedside table at Mon’s apartment.
Ring ring ring ring, ring ring ring: banana phone!
This ring was a flea market find from when I was going to college in New Hampshire. It had a vintage vibe – gold with individual ruby stones that collected in a broad diamond shape.
A few weeks before going to see Monica, I’d shut my sliding closet door quickly but didn’t remove my hand soon enough and the ring stopped it from shutting on my finger. So when I left the ring down in DC, Monica let me know that she’d mail it back, no worries. Then I had this dream.
Later that week, I got an envelope from Monica with a hole in the corner, my ring had likely gotten stuck in the mail machine and didn’t make the journey back. Somehow when I remembered that and this dream I thought it was sort of uncanny.
There was never a ring in this wedding dream and the different levels of friendships and relationships that were present — a close friend from another time in life (Amanda), a friendship that’s endured many years (Monica), the renewed friendship with my brother, even running into that college acquaintance (hot Kent) — all seem very telling of where I am right now as a sangle person at a crossroads with commitment.
I’ve been reconnecting with some old friends lately and venturing out to meet new people. I think the assassination mission is there to say I truly can’t give my attention to everyone (interesting, too, because I never did know who my target was). Not being able to make the cut means I need to be more cognizant of how I’m spending my time. Quality over quantity and all that.
Shun out the bad, let in the good
Okay, now onto the beach chase with Slendy’s groupies. I’m glad you asked what I was feeling sauntering side-by-side with the enemy. I DID feel powerful marking those guys’ cheeks up to remind ‘em that I was still there. NGL, it was pretty badass.
Being at the beach specifically seems to relate to shifting sands, the ebbing shoreline, and a time of transition.
What I take away from all of this, with the help of your insightful direction, is that I need to stay strong even if it’s just me up against the “bad” guys, or really just any force, thought, etc. that’s not serving me in a positive way. I have the tools (representative of my Shun knife) to protect myself and take care of me, no other person needs to do that.

Till we Zs again,
Jenny Bourne